Monday, June 8, 2009

my sweet little man is 2 months old....How did that happen?!?! I get so sad when i think about how fast my kids are growing!
He had his 2month check up this morning and he weighs 11lbs 8ounces!!! my biggest for sure!
He also had his are a few pics from that wonderful day.

Carson girlfriend Emmy was in town...and my bff Natalie. I wish they lived here!!!

and Jason sister and her family are here from VA...and of course we wish they were here too!!

powell family

my family

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Jacob at the driving range.... He woke up really early this morning,( like 6:30am or something crazy!!) came upstairs and told Jason it was time to go to the "range" (as he calls it). He was all dressed, shoes on and everything and said he has all his stuff ready and it was by the front door. This was his little set dang cute!!

they got out of the car and there was D-Will from the Jazz in the parking lot with them. Jake was soooo excited but didn't know what to say just looked up at him. He was really nice to Jake and talked to him about golf for a sec and then was nice enough to get a pic with him. When they got on the driving range D-Will was right next to Jacob and he also had 2 pro golfers with him. They kept watching Jacob, who i have to say is REALLY good at golf. He is a natural! Anyway, really fun day for my little man.

Look at that follow through.... He has it down!