Monday, February 18, 2008

Jake's first sleepover at our house...i can't believe he is this big!! His cousin Brenden slept over and they had sooo much fun. The boys just getting ready to watch a movie...Jason made them popcorn and they thought that was pretty cool.

Finally asleep!! They actually went to bed pretty early, or I should say Jake went to bed early. Brenden is much better at night then Jake, so Brenden was probably up later then normal!! They feel asleep around 9:30...Jake is usually awake until at least 10:30 every night.

Breakfast time. They wanted waffles and chocolate milk...they are so happy its really cute!!


Brittany said...

Grace loves the sleepovers! She usually has them with her cousin Emily. Such cute pictures!

Chelsea said...

How cute! I cant wait till Cami has her first sleepover! So fun!

Jenni S said...

Oh, that is so much fun. You could tell they thought it was awesome.

Chelsea said...

How cute is that! So funny what kids get excited about! and yes, Angie does still work at Babinski's. She had a little boy- Benson- about 7 months ago so she's only there one day a week. She is so darling!

PamNoyes said...

Cute cute cute! He really is getting big!

lacieinthesky said...

That's so cute! I love your family pic too. My little brother that's Jake's age has that same Cars plate and he loves it! Boys are so funny!

blueeyedfreckle said...

adorable little kids. It looks like they had a good time! i bet it was cute to see him have his first sleepover.

Anonymous said...

So fun, he is so big! I remember when you were just pregnant with him! Where does time go! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!