Thursday, May 15, 2008

Jacob at the driving range with Jason on of their favorite things to do!! Check out this little guy...he really is such a good golfer. It was funny because a few months ago on a nice day they went and this guy was next to Jake hitting his balls. He saw Jake just hit this one so far and Jason was taping it and all the sudden you hear the guy next to Jake "Wow!! that was a good shot buddy!!" He has had clubs since he was 2 and started right off just hitting the ball so far. He got these "big boy" clubs last year when he was 3. He just loves it so much and that makes dad VERY HAPPY!!


Lorilee said...

his last swing was pretty much how I golf, swing a couple of times---miss, and then keep going until finally you get a decent shot. except for he's 4 (?) and I'm a little bit older than that.
so cute.

Matich and Amber said...

Watch out Tiger Woods! That is too cute. Hope all is well!

(our blog has changed to

8426 STICKNEY AVE said...

Looks like you married someone who loves golf as much as your dad and brother. Have jake work on his swing so he can beat them all.

melissa said...

what a natural...jason should be proud!

Anonymous said...

Steve has tear in his eye, he's so proud. If he keeps it up he's gonna make you guys millions!! How cute!

aaron and jenn said...

so cute! its amazing what becomes of these kiddo's, i love being able to keep in touch and see your cute family grow!

PamNoyes said...

You just have such cute kids. It just makes you smile to see them learning about how things work and how to use their little bodies.

Chelsea said...

how cute! that last video was so funny- I actually do that all the time too :) your kids are darling!

Jenni S said...

I love the picture of him after he just swung. He looks like a little pro. How adorable!

Lindsey and Tommy said...

How great is Jake!! I can't believe how good he is getting. I bet Jason loves that!!