Monday, July 14, 2008

HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY to my sweet Ky Ky

I cant believe she is 2. She is such a fun little girl, full of life and I just love her so much. A few things about her..

  • she loves her blanket...we cant go anywhere without it. She actually has 3 favorite ones and sometimes takes all 3!!

  • she loves her daddy and big brother more than anything. She loves Jason to but her to sleep at night and loves to wake up Jake in the morning.

  • she loves to dance and sing

  • she loves fruits and vegetables

  • she loves to play outside and swing

  • she has no fear!! she loves swimming and jumping off the side of the pool to me, over and over!

  • she loves her baby dolls and rocks them to sleep! its so cute

  • she loves dogs and babies

  • she gives the best hugs and kisses

  • she has the cuttest smile and knows right when to smile and me so she can get away with something!

  • she is extremely smart and talks non stop

  • she has been potty training her self for the last 2 1/2 months!! seriously, i have done nothing, its all her. she has to do everything herself.

I could go on and on. Jason and I love her so much and feel so blessed to have her in our home. We love you Ky


Anonymous said...

I missed you when you went to Coronado...i always come to your blog. I am waiting for your pics of the trip, I'm sure they are so cute and you guys had a blast as always! Kylie is just so cute I love that picture, the hat is darling! Hope all is well and I will miss seeing you at Melissa's play group we will be out of town! :(

Kristine and Ryan said...

I hope that Jason and Kylie had great birthdays. She is so dang cute. I wonder why you still have the brown page infront of the blog page?

blueeyedfreckle said...

this is a stunning photo of your daughter!!! nice photography, and even better, beautiful girl!

Melanie said...

Jenny, your daughter is too precious. so cute.

Hey, I'm in town and would love to see you. Maybe it's easist if I jsut stopped by Anthro while you were working. What is your schedule and email address?

Amy Proctor Timmerman said...

She is so cute and sounds just like my Addie - minus the potty training part, unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

umm, so she sounds pretty darn perfect. Which is perfect because she is pretty darn adorable.

8426 STICKNEY AVE said...

She is so cute! The hats my girls are wearing are from GAP. I made clips to put on them. I found them in the boy section. I have a friends and family coupon if you want one. 25% off Aug 1-3. Let me know and I will Email you one.

8426 STICKNEY AVE said...

I love that you change the style of your blog. As you can tell I'm not that great at changing things, I never write anything. I need to spend more time on mine. What I'm trying to say is "love the blog"

8426 STICKNEY AVE said...

I sent an email for GAP friends and family. Let me know if you got it.

Jenni S said...

Wow! I love you're new blog look and colors - so fun! Happy b-day to Jason and Kylie. Birthday's are so much fun. I'm excited to see your Coronado pics. I'm glad you guys got to get away and relax.