Saturday, January 12, 2008


In my fridge you will always find Diet Coke...I just love it!! It's really bad when Kylie sees a Diet Coke and says "Mama" and Jake says "Mom, I love your Diet Coke!" Well, as the new year came and I said to myself I need to drink something else besides Diet Coke always, I wondered what that would be. I drink alot of water here and there but nothing consistant, which I know is horrible!! Anyway, this leads me to my next thing that I now love and wanted to tell you all about.....


Have you tried this yet? It's probably been around for a while but me being a Diet Coke drinker didn't ever see it and just tried it about a week ago. Its pretty darn good!! There are lots of flavors and I'm pretty happy about it and I'm sure Jason is to because then I'm not drinking so much Diet Coke!

Just thought I would share that with you all.... Have a great day!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh that is hilarious because I found vitamin water a couple of months ago but instead of giving up my diet coke I just added to it! SOOO bad! I would love for you to come and see Mia. I will call you but anytime next week is great. I would love to see your babies too!
Ps-Costco has a coupon for 3 dollars off the big pack of vitamin water...go stock up:)

Brittany said...

I do love the vitamin water as well. My weakness is Dr. Pepper though not diet coke. I know it's bad when we are out to eat and Grace says she wants Dr. Pepper just like mommy. I just tell her they don't have that on the kids menu!

Bayless said...

Thats a sad dy when you get rid of DC.
I on the other will never remove it from my fridge.