Thursday, December 4, 2008

Were having a..................... BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are so excited. The baby is healthy and I feel so blessed to be a mommy of another boy. My little Jacob was right, his brother would come back again! He was one of the only ones in our family, Jason's and mine, that thought, or knew, that it was a boy. Now the hardest thing, coming up with a name for this little guy!


Nathan & Annette said...

Congrats! That is so cool that you are having a boy. Now are boys will be close in age just like Caelum and Jonah.

FAB SIX said...

Congrats! We are very excited for you.

Jenni S said...

Ok, I just said congrats on your facebook, but I'm gonna say it here too... CONGRATS!!! I'm really glad everything is going well and that you're having another cute little boy. How fun.

Kristine and Ryan said...

Congrats! I am so HAPPY for your family!

Marti said...

How exciting!!! I'll bet Jake is over the moon. I can't wait to see the newest gorgeous little Powell!

Melanie said...

oh congrats! I'm so thrilled for you Jenny. You are such a great Mom and this little guy is so lucky to have you!

Chelsea said...

Congrats! Another Mamas boy for you! Yay!!! So fun!

aaron and jenn said...

yeah! i am so excited for you! i lOvE little boys (not that i have been able to experience a girl yet...but) boys are so fun :) i am so glad that you and baby are both doing well! miss and love ya!

8426 STICKNEY AVE said...

Congrats! I wish babies came with a name. (JK) I have a really hard time with names. Now you need to have one more and make it a girl. That would be great! Two of each. I will let you make it through this one first.

Anonymous said...

Congrats congrats congrats!!! I am so happy for you guys. That is so awesome and let the shopping begin...:) you deserve every last bit of happiness that this sweet baby boy will bring! Happy Holidays!!

Lorilee said...

yay! I love little boys.

Dani Peek said...

Congrats! You guys have some good chemistry... boy, girl, boy... pass some of that along, would ya? We only want one more (and not for AWHILE), and though Ben says he doesn't care, I know his fingers are crossed for a boy.

lacieinthesky said...

Congrats Jen! I'm so happy for you and that everything is going well. You can never underestimate what little kids know, huh? We need to get together soon!

PamNoyes said...

Yeah! That is fabulous! You are setting up a pretty good pattern for your family!

Marni Bown said...

Congrats! I love boys...and glad all is well.

jen said...

CONGRATULATIONS to you all!! I'm so excited for you & will be so anxious to hear your names and see the lil' guy!

Brittany said...

Congrats on the boy! I must say I am a little jealous! I can't wait for another baby in the ward! Wahoo!

blueeyedfreckle said...

congratulations! I think little kids have good intuition. or maybe they are just so in tune... you know. I am sure this little boy will be jsut as beautiful as Jacob!

Azy said...

oooooohhhhh YEAH a BOY! thats great news. I am so happy that the baby is doing well and you are doing well. Good luck coming up with a name....
love ya

Matich and Amber said...

Yeah! Congrats Jen!