Thursday, May 13, 2010

These 3 kids make me o so happy....ever single day.
they have been so good to me while i have been flat down in bed for a week!
i got the sweetest cards and presents from them on mothers day....i will post some of what Jacob made me. its the sweetest book he did in kindergarden that i will treasure forever!
hope you all have a happy day
p.s....can you believe how blond Carson is?! and he has these little curls in the back of his hair that i hope stay!
don't mind the hair over Carson's ears! he really needs a little cut....and Jacob wants his hair shaggy, is looking rough around this house right now!


Chelsea said...

They are adorable!! Happy Mothers Day!!

jen said...

I agree with Chels... just adorable!!

I'm sorry about your dilemma but I'm sure you will feel like a brand new woman and hello hot legs now! :)

W.M. said...

i love ur kids they are so cute. and their pastel Easter outfits are perfect. u little retail lady, u can really put together some looks.